A first version of this vignette has been published in the Austrian Journal of Statistics (Bill and Hulliger 2016).
The distribution of multivariate quantitative survey data usually is not normal. Skewed and semi-continuous distributions occur often. In addition, missing values and non-response is common. All together this mix of problems makes multivariate outlier detection difficult. Examples of surveys where these problems occur are most business surveys and some household surveys like the Survey for the Statistics of Income and Living Condition (SILC) of the European Union. Several methods for multivariate outlier detection are collected in the R package modi. This vignette gives an overview of the package modi and its functions for outlier detection and corresponding imputation. The use of the methods is explained with a business survey data set. The discussion covers pre- and post-processing to deal with skewness and zero-inflation, advantages and disadvantages of the methods and the choice of the parameters.
The following outlier detection and imputation functions are provided in modi:
is an implementation of the BACON-EEM algorithm
to detect outliers under the assumption of a multivariate normal
is an implementation of the transformed rank
correlation (TRC) algorithm to detect outliers.EAdet()
is an outlier detection method based on the
epidemic algorithm (EA).EAimp()
is an imputation method based on the epidemic
algorithm (EA).GIMCD()
is an outlier detection method based on
non-robust Gaussian imputation (GI) and the highly robust minimum
covariance determinant (MCD) algorithm.POEM()
is a nearest neighbor imputation method for
outliers and missing values.winsimp()
is an imputation method for outliers and
missing values based on winsorization and Gaussian imputation.ER()
is a robust multivariate outlier detection
algorithm that can cope with missing values.Furthermore, modi provides a set of utility functions:
is a function to plot the Mahalanobis
is a function to calculate Mahalanobis
distances when missing values occur.weighted.quantile()
is a function to calculate weighted
is a function to calculate weighted
variances analogous to the weighted.mean()
function in the
stats package.The modi package contains three datasets, first a
version of the well known Bushfire dataset containing missing values
), second the sepe
dataset which is
an anonymized sample of a pilot survey on environment protection
expenditures of the Swiss private economy (Federal Statistical Office),
and third an enhanced version of the Living Standards Measurement Survey
Albania 2012. In this vignette, we will use the sepe
The units in the sepe
dataset are enterprises and all
monetary variables are in thousand Swiss Francs. The dataset contains
675 observations on 23 variables. However, we will only use the
following variables:
: ID of the observationweight
: sampling weighttotinvwp
: total investment in water protection
: total investment in waste management
: total investment in air protection
: overall total investmenttotexpwp
: total expenditure in water protection
: total expenditure in waste management
: total expenditure in air protection
: overall total expenditureidnr | weight | totinvwp | totinvwm | totinvap | totinvto | totexpwp | totexpwm | totexpap | totexpto |
15 | 25.3 | NA | NA | 0 | NA | 40 | NA | 0 | 60 |
100 | 25.3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
103 | 25.3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 237 | 18 | 10 | 265 |
166 | 25.3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
300 | 25.3 | 154 | 0 | 0 | 154 | 8 | 27 | 0 | 35 |
305 | 25.3 | 2 | 3 | 40 | 45 | 35 | 11 | 0 | 46 |
379 | 25.3 | 0 | 0 | 14 | 14 | 21 | 23 | 0 | 44 |
387 | 25.3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | NA | NA | NA |
535 | 25.3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 20 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 6 |
603 | 25.3 | 30 | 0 | 100 | 180 | 4 | 11 | 0 | 15 |
The overall total investement and expenditure have been collected in the survey as well. Therefore, they do not always correspond to the sum over the individual investments and expenditures. The dataset contains 677 items with missing values and 2’595 items with a value of zero. Since some of the functions in this package relie on the assumption of a multivariate normal distribution, the zeros are declared as missing values.
The resulting data is highly asymmetric and we thus apply the
following logarithmic transformation log(x + 1)
# relevant variables
sepevar8 <- c("totinvwp","totinvwm","totinvap","totinvto",
# log(x + 1) transformation
sepe_transformed <- log(sepenozero[ ,sepevar8] + 1)
# show the first 5 observations
#> totinvwp totinvwm totinvap totinvto totexpwp totexpwm totexpap totexpto
#> 1 NA NA NA NA 3.713572 NA NA 4.110874
#> 3 NA NA NA NA 5.472271 2.944439 2.397895 5.583496
#> 5 5.043425 NA NA 5.043425 2.197225 3.332205 NA 3.583519
#> 6 1.098612 1.386294 3.713572 3.828641 3.583519 2.484907 NA 3.850148
In the following sections, we introduce the different outlier
detection and imputation functions in the modi package.
All functions are illustrated with examples based on the
and Winsimp()
is an implementation of the BACON-EEM algorithm
that was developed by (Béguin and Hulliger
2008). The BACON-EEM algorithm starts with a small subset of good
observations, that are not outliers. Then, the mean and the covariance
matrix of this subset are estimated with the EM-algorithm. The estimates
take the sample design into account. Then, BEM()
the Mahalonobis distance (MD) for all data points. Observations that are
below the cutpoint defined by a χ2-quantile are the new
good subset. The algorithm iterates until convergence. Important control
parameters in BEM()
are the size of the initial good subset
as a multiple c0
of the dimension of the data (number of
columns) and the probability alpha
to determine the
quantile of the χ2-distribution for the
The default value for the initial good subset is c0 = 3
However, in our case this results in a too small initial subset with
many missing values and hence, the covariance matrix used to calculate
the Mahalanobis distances is singular. Therefore, we set
c0 = 5
which results in a size of the initial good subset
of 40 observations.
# run the BEM() algorithm
res.bem <- BEM(sepe_transformed, sepe$weight, c0 = 5)
#> Warning: missing observations 2 4 11 12 41 57 60 65 67 68 70 90 103 105 106 107 108 109 110 114 118 125 129 132 135 136 144 166 178 181 182 188 193 208 209 210 214 215 216 218 219 223 237 238 244 245 256 259 260 261 267 268 269 270 272 274 276 277 278 279 281 301 304 312 313 316 321 323 327 332 334 337 339 346 348 350 351 354 357 374 375 392 395 397 401 403 409 410 411 412 417 437 439 450 451 466 467 469 471 473 474 479 492 493 494 496 499 500 505 509 510 518 523 525 526 528 529 530 538 545 546 547 549 550 551 552 553 554 556 558 559 564 569 571 572 574 575 604 605 618 619 628 629 630 632 637 638 644 646 648 655 656 657 659 661 662 665 666 removed from the data
#> BEM has detected 385 outlier(s) in 0.69 seconds.
We can immediately see that a lot (158 to be precise) of the
observations have been removed by BEM()
because they are
completely missing. BEM()
identifies 385 of the remaining
517 observations as outliers. This is obviously implausible and happens
if the default value 0.01 for the parameter representing the cut-off
quantile, alpha
, is a bad choice. Therefore, it is
generally a good idea to decrease alpha
. A good rule of
thumb is to divide the default value (0.01) by the number of
observations (alpha = 0.01 / nrow(data)
) if the number of
observations is above 100.
# run the BEM() algorithm with different alpha
res.bem <- BEM(sepe_transformed, sepe$weight, c0 = 5, alpha = 0.01 / nrow(sepe_transformed))
#> Warning: missing observations 2 4 11 12 41 57 60 65 67 68 70 90 103 105 106 107 108 109 110 114 118 125 129 132 135 136 144 166 178 181 182 188 193 208 209 210 214 215 216 218 219 223 237 238 244 245 256 259 260 261 267 268 269 270 272 274 276 277 278 279 281 301 304 312 313 316 321 323 327 332 334 337 339 346 348 350 351 354 357 374 375 392 395 397 401 403 409 410 411 412 417 437 439 450 451 466 467 469 471 473 474 479 492 493 494 496 499 500 505 509 510 518 523 525 526 528 529 530 538 545 546 547 549 550 551 552 553 554 556 558 559 564 569 571 572 574 575 604 605 618 619 628 629 630 632 637 638 644 646 648 655 656 657 659 661 662 665 666 removed from the data
#> BEM has detected 89 outlier(s) in 0.43 seconds.
Now, the algorithm returns 89 outliers. Clearly, this is a more
plausible result than before. With the help of PlotMD()
, we
can create a QQ-plot of the Mahalanobis distances and the corresponding
F-distribution. As can be seen below, the minimal (squared) MD of the
outliers is 37.14. However, by visual inspection of the QQ-plot we can
see that a higher cutpoint would fit the data better.
There are two ways of finding a better cutpoint:
# find outliers with cutpoint 70
outind <- ifelse(res.bem$dist > 70, TRUE, FALSE)
# set NAs to FALSE
outind[is.na(outind)] <- FALSE
# how many outliers are there?
#> [1] 31
# find cutpoint with fixed number of outliers
quantile(res.bem$dist, 0.95, na.rm = TRUE)
#> 95%
#> 82.52671
The following plot shows total investment and total expenditure
(log-transformed) for every observation. The 89 Outliers found by
are depicted as red crosses whereas the 31 outliers
found by choosing the cutpoint according to a visual inspection of the
QQ-plot are depicted as blue rectangles. Note that we can only plot two
variables (total investment and expenditure) and thus, some outliers
contained in the bulk of data may not look like outliers.
# create transformed data including zeros
df <- log(sepe[, sepevar8] + 1)
# set up scatterplot totexpto vs. totinvto
plot(df$totinvto, df$totexpto, type = "n", xlab = "Total Inv.", ylab = "Total Exp.")
# plot comparison of outliers determined with visual cutpoint and default cutpoint
points(df$totinvto[!res.bem$outind], df$totexpto[!res.bem$outind])
points(df$totinvto[res.bem$outind], df$totexpto[res.bem$outind], pch = 4, col = "red")
points(df$totinvto[outind], df$totexpto[outind], pch = 0, col = "blue")
After outliers have been detected, we can impute values. Here, we do
this with Winsimp()
which corresponds to a winsorisation
(Wins) of outliers according to the Mahalanobis distance followed by an
imputation (imp) under the multivariate normal model. We use the center
and scatter calculated with BEM()
Here, we re-insert the zeros after the imputation since the zeros did not contribute to the multivariate normal model used for detection. Of course, it would also be possible to re-insert zeros before the imputation which might result in somewhat more coherent imputations.
# get the imputed data
imp_data <- res.winsimp$imputed.data
# indicate the zeros in original dataset
zeros <- ifelse(sepe[ ,sepevar8] == 0, 1, 0)
# redefine NAs as 0
zeros[is.na(zeros)] <- 0
# re-insert zeros
imp_data <- as.data.frame(ifelse(zeros == 1, 0, imp_data))
The following plot shows the outliers (log-transformed) with blue rectangles as well as the imputed values with green rectangles.
# create transformed data including zeros
df <- log(sepe[, sepevar8] + 1)
# set up scatterplot totexpto vs. totinvto
plot(df$totinvto, df$totexpto, type = "n", xlab = "Total Inv.", ylab = "Total Exp.")
# plot comparison of outliers determined with visual cutpoint and default cutpoint
points(df$totinvto[outind], df$totexpto[outind], pch = 0, col = "blue")
points(imp_data$totinvto[outind], imp_data$totexpto[outind], pch = 0, col = "green")
is an implementation of the transformed rank
correlation algorithm described in (Béguin and
Hulliger 2004). The algorithm uses an orthogonal transformation
of the data into the space of eigenvectors. Then, the center and scatter
are recalculated with robust univariate estimators (median and median
absolute deviation). Since these transformations require a complete
dataset, the algorithm provisionally imputes missing values based on the
best simple robust regression. Important control parameters of
are gamma
, which defines the minimal
proportion of observations needed to determine an imputation model, and
, which is the minimal correlation required for a
regressor to be part of the provisional imputation model.
First, we create the original transformed dataset again, where all zeros are set to missing. This is useful as TRC relies on the assumption of multivariate normal data too.
Using the default parameters results in TRC()
147 outliers. However, the default value gamma = 0.5
to be too high because most regressors for the provisional imputation of
missing values have a slope of 0 (check output by adding
monitor = TRUE
). Hence, we decrease the value of
to 30 observations.
# run the TRC() algorithm
res.trc <- TRC(sepe_transformed, sepe$weight)
#> Warning: missing observations 2 4 11 12 41 57 60 65 67 68 70 90 103 105 106 107 108 109 110 114 118 125 129 132 135 136 144 166 178 181 182 188 193 208 209 210 214 215 216 218 219 223 237 238 244 245 256 259 260 261 267 268 269 270 272 274 276 277 278 279 281 301 304 312 313 316 321 323 327 332 334 337 339 346 348 350 351 354 357 374 375 392 395 397 401 403 409 410 411 412 417 437 439 450 451 466 467 469 471 473 474 479 492 493 494 496 499 500 505 509 510 518 523 525 526 528 529 530 538 545 546 547 549 550 551 552 553 554 556 558 559 564 569 571 572 574 575 604 605 618 619 628 629 630 632 637 638 644 646 648 655 656 657 659 661 662 665 666 removed from the data
#> Number of missing items: 2008 , percentage of missing items: 0.4854932
#> TRC has detected 147 outlier(s) in 0.08 seconds.
Reducing gamma
results in a better provisional
imputation. However, the number of outliers stays almost the same (146
# run the TRC() algorithm
res.trc <- TRC(sepe_transformed, sepe$weight, gamma = 30 / res.trc$sample.size)
#> Warning: missing observations 2 4 11 12 41 57 60 65 67 68 70 90 103 105 106 107 108 109 110 114 118 125 129 132 135 136 144 166 178 181 182 188 193 208 209 210 214 215 216 218 219 223 237 238 244 245 256 259 260 261 267 268 269 270 272 274 276 277 278 279 281 301 304 312 313 316 321 323 327 332 334 337 339 346 348 350 351 354 357 374 375 392 395 397 401 403 409 410 411 412 417 437 439 450 451 466 467 469 471 473 474 479 492 493 494 496 499 500 505 509 510 518 523 525 526 528 529 530 538 545 546 547 549 550 551 552 553 554 556 558 559 564 569 571 572 574 575 604 605 618 619 628 629 630 632 637 638 644 646 648 655 656 657 659 661 662 665 666 removed from the data
#> Number of missing items: 2008 , percentage of missing items: 0.4854932
#> TRC has detected 146 outlier(s) in 0.08 seconds.
The cutpoint chosen by TRC()
is at 54.67. However,
visual inspection of the QQ-plot below indicates that the cutpoint
should be chosen at about 210.
Using 210 as the cutpoint results in 14 outliers.
# find outliers with cutpoint 70
outind <- ifelse(res.trc$dist > 210, TRUE, FALSE)
# set NAs to FALSE
outind[is.na(outind)] <- FALSE
# how many outliers are there?
#> [1] 14
For the imputation of outliers, we can use Winsimp()
shown above in the section about BEM()
is an implementation of a non-robust Gaussian
imputation (GI), followed by a robust minimum covariance determinant
(MCD) to detect outliers. Note that GIMCD()
, in contrast to
and TRC()
, imputes values for completely
missing observations. Unfortunately, the algorithm cannot take weights
into account. The only control parameter of the function
is alpha
which determines the quantile
for the cutpoint. Its default value is 0.05. The parameters
and seedmcd
are seed values for random
number generators used in the algorithm. We set them here so that our
results are reproducible.
# run the GIMCD() algorithm
res.gimcd <- GIMCD(sepe_transformed, seedem = 234567819, seedmcd = 4097)
#> GIMCD has detected 57 outliers in 0.77 seconds.
The output above shows that GIMCD()
finds 57 outliers.
The default cutpoint is at 16.49.
A visual inspection of the QQ-plot below shows that 24 might be a cutpoint that fits the data better.
Using 24 as the cutpoint results in 13 outliers. As before, we can
use Winsimp()
to impute values for the outliers.
and EAimp()
The Epidemic Algorithm (EA) is implemented in two functions:
contains the detection algorithm and
contains the imputation algorithm. The details of
EA are described in (Béguin and Hulliger
2004). Compared to the methods shown above, the Epidemic
Algorithm does not rely on a distributional assumption. The basic idea
of the Epidemic Algorithm is to simulate an epidemic that starts at a
central point (a spatial median) and then infects points in the
neighbourhood in a stepwise manner (check the documentation for
details). The last infected points are nominated as outliers.
We can feed the original (log-transformed) sepe
to the detection function EAdet() in spite of the 48% of items with
value zero.
# create transformed data including zeros
df <- log(sepe[, sepevar8] + 1)
# run the EAdet() algorithm
res.eadet <- EAdet(df, sepe$weight)
#> Some mads are 0. Standardizing with 0.9 quantile absolute deviations!
#> EA detection has finished with 664 infected points in 0.07 seconds.
For the sepe
data, the default cutpoint results in only
7 outliers. However, there is a further set of 11 observations that have
not been infected. This may happen because they have too many missing
values or because they are too far outlying. The function value
is a logical vector with TRUE
for the
outliers (late infected), FALSE
for the good observations
(early infected), and NA
for the never infected
observations. In this example, the 11 not infected observations consist
entirely of missing values.
By default, the (weighted) cumulative distribution function of the infection times is plotted. As before, selecting a good cutpoint needs some care. The default outlier rule declares observations that are infected at time 8 or later as outliers. Looking at the (weighted) cumulative distribution function of the infection times, it seems more reasonable to set the cutpoint to 5. Using this new cutpoint yields 20 outliers. The Epidemic Algorithm results in substantially less outliers than the other algorithms shown above.
# determine outliers based on new cutpoint
outind <- res.eadet$infection.time >= 5
# how many outliers are there?
sum(outind, na.rm = TRUE)
#> [1] 20
The Epidemic Algorithm suffers from the many zeros and missing values
in the sepe
dataset because the inter-point distances are
calculated on the basis of the jointly observed values only. Thus, this
algorithm might be applied with care if your data contains many missing
values. Of course, it is possible to discard completely missing
observations (you may set the parameter rm.missing = TRUE
and it is also possible to set zeros to missing values before running
We use EAimp()
to impute values. Since the zeros were
not set to missing, re-insertion is not an issue. EAimp()
uses the distances calculated in EAdet()
and starts an
epidemic at each observation to be imputed until donors for the missing
values are infected. Then a donor is selected randomly.
# determine outliers based on new cutpoint
res.eaimp <- EAimp(df, sepe$weight, outind = res.eadet$outind,
duration = res.eadet$duration)
#> Missing values in outlier indicator set to FALSE.
#> Dimensions (n,p): 675 8
#> Number of complete records 449
#> Number of records with maximum p/2 variables missing 633
#> Number of imputands is 230
#> Reach for imputation is max
#> Number of remaining missing values is 0
#> EA imputation has finished in 1.02 seconds.
Multivariate outlier detection starts before running any outlier
detection algorithms such as the ones implemented in the modi package.
Every data set has its unique issues which need to be solved before
outlier detection. Balance rules, missing value patterns as well as
distributions need to be checked. For example, the sepe
dataset has a zero inflated distribution and hence needs to be
transformed in order to satisfy the distributional assumptions of the
parametric algorithms. Once the assumptions are satisfied, the
parameters of the outlier detection function need to be chosen.
Although the algorithms in the package modi have a high power of detecting multivariate outliers, user-intervention to choose the cutpoint is necessary as has been shown in the examples above. Moreover, it is important to check the results of the imputation. For example, we sometimes need to restrict imputed data to positive values.
Choosing an appropriate outlier detection method is difficult since
all presented methods have advantages and disadvantages. The
distribution of the sepe
dataset is far from multivariate
normal. Nevertheless, methods with an underlying assumption of
multivariate normality may return satisfactory results if the
distribution is uni-modal apart from the zero-inflation which must be
treated before applying the outlier detection.
The implementation of the package modi was supported by the Hasler Foundation.